!main:For help, type "!help ". Commands are: !weather, !breaking news, !news, !remind, !tiny, !rot13, !seen, !stats, !wiki, !svn, !phonedb, !tell, !tfl, !res and !moon !main:For more detailed and upto date help, visit the wiki page at: http://www.bobsbasement.co.uk/Jam !weather:Usage: "!weather|!temp|!miscweather|!sun ": This gives the weather, temperture, detailed weather or sunrise and sunset for the next three days !weather:The ID is either a City, Country, UK or UK BBC weather station ID. You can also use !current weather and !current miscweather to get the current obversation !breaking news:Usage: "!breaking news": The bot reports breaking news as it happens. You can use "!breaking news" to repeat the last reported story !news:Usage: "!news": This reports the last five stories from the BBC Frontpage, with a tinyurl to the story !remind:Usage: "!remind me in