This is the Payphone DB frontend code. It's probably of no use to anyone but provided in case you fancy a look. If you want to run it you will need: A webserver with a PERL interpreter (Apache + mod_perl is what we use) A MySQL server (and the necessary libraries) A kerberos realm A Google Maps key A lot of patience You can then edit the config file: # This is the directory where photos are uploaded to, make sure the webserver user has write access upload_dir = "" # This is the web location of the photos, relative to the location of the PERL scripts webimg_dir = "images/" # MySQL server dbhost = "localhost" # Database user dbuser = "" # Database password dbpass = "" # Payphone database ppdb = "" # Main table pptable = "" # Archive table pparchive = "" # Database converting postcodes to GPS pcdb = "" # Postcode table pctable = "" # Full path to the txt file "counties" countylist = "" # Kerberos realm realm = "" Google Maps key for this URL googlekey = "" Please note that this was created for Bob's Basement and is designed for their needs. Its is not designed to be either useful to anyone else or portable!